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Programming Microsoft Windows with C

por Charles Petzold
, Programming Microsoft Windows with C Declaración de edición:Editor: Microsoft Press; Edición: 1 (21 de enero de 2002) Detalles físicos: 1328pag ISBN:0735613702.
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Maletín Material Pizzara (204)3 Rotuladores 1Borrador 1Gamuza (Navegar estantería) En tránsito de U-Tad Biblioteca a Recepcion Madrid desde 20/03/2019 0001414
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Maletín Material Pizzara (209)3 Rotuladores 1Borrador 1 Gamuza (Navegar estantería) En tránsito de U-Tad Biblioteca a Recepcion Madrid desde 22/01/2020 0001415
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INCLUDED ON CD-ROM: * Sample source code for all the examples presented in the book

Charles Petzold has been writing about programming for Windows-based operating systems for 24 years. A Microsoft MVP for Client Application Development and a Windows Pioneer Award winner, Petzold is author of the classic Programming Windows, currently in its fifth edition and one of the best-known programming books of all time; the widely acclaimed Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software; and more than a dozen other books.


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